
” What’s the right type of contract? “

Through sleepless nights and cycles of doubt and elation, you have created something marvelous.  It may be a work of art, a consumer product, a pharmaceutical, a new method, a system for providing a service, or a software product.  You are ready to release your invention to the world!

Marketplace Translation  |  The Process

You will potentially interact with investors, manufacturers, designers, wholesalers, distributors, and individuals wishing to take a license.  This process involves a myriad of written agreements and it is important each agreement clearly defines the terms of your relationship.  It must also be consistent with your business goals, while properly addressing the transfer and maintenance of your intellectual property rights.

With your overall vision in mind, we draft and negotiate your agreements to license, manufacture, develop, distribute, and market your creative works, software, technology or inventions. Schafer Smith has extensive experience helping artists, writers, startups and University spin-outs navigate intellectual property ownership in relation to former employers, Universities, and the government.  We can also guide you through the tricky issues related to government grants and third party funding.


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